Monday, May 13, 2013

Ways your smallgroup can Help Would-Be Attenders

Not everyone can make it along to our smallgroups. Illness, work, life-circumstances--ok, there are heaps of reasons. 

Anyway, a little while ago some of our smallgroup (mid-week Bible Study group) leaders put their heads together to brainstorm ways a smallgroup could possibly help a would-be attender.

Here are some of the results:
  • Take your smallgroup to them occasionally.
  • Send a text to them asking for prayer points that can be prayed by the smallgroup.
  • Send them a present on their birthday.
  • Send them a hamper.
  • Take them a luxury dinner, something really fancy.
  • Commit to praying for them individually (at home).
  • Send them a picture (MMS or whatever) every week.
  • Find a way they can give something to the group: perhaps they bake bread, etc.
  • Mow their lawn, clear their gutters, lend a practical hand.
This list is yet another reason I'm so pumped to work amongst our smallgroup leaders team. Thanks gang!