Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Top 5 Books for Sinking your Teeth into the Bible

One of the blokes that I meet with regularly (to talk Bible, ministry, life) wants to build a little reference library for himself, to help him sink his teeth into Bible Study. It's a kinda 'next step' for him.

Here's the list I rattled off:
  • New Bible Dictionary (IVP, eds. Marshall, Millard, Packer, Wiseman)
  • New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (IVP, eds. Alexander, Rosner)
  • A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (Reymond)
  • An Introduction to the New Testament (Carson, Moo), and the Old Testament volume, too. 
  • A Holman (HCSB) Bible, to use alongside his NIV/ESV.
Then there are commentaries, which are chosen case-by-case.

I'd be very keen to hear alternative theories :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Parody of the "Leader"

I just read this spectacular parody of 'leadership' in Transformational Church (Stetzer and Rainer):
Normally, what we really mean when we say "leader" is a strong, no-compromise, CEO who is not afraid of anybody but God. That leader is charging forward with a tribe of crazed folders. The leader has a game show-host public charisma and a personality that makes even casual contact inspirational. The leader has a strong belief in personal leadership skills. He is always courageous and sometimes reckless. (76)
My favourite bit: "...and sometimes reckless".

And just for clarity: No, the authors are not recommending such 'leadership' in our churches.

Read Books with your Ministry Teams

Early in my one-to-one ministry days I read a lot of books with people. I'd sit down with a mate and a cup of tea, and we'd read aloud to each other. I've some very fond memories of those days.

Over the last 10 TBTeam meetings (that is, Tuesday Crossroads' 10ish leaders), we've read through J. Mack Styles', The Marks of the Messenger. It's been a real treat. Perhaps the big win has been the way in which it's kept evangelism on our radar in a sustained, but varied way.

I think I'll be reading more books in small groups and one-to-one.

Friday, August 26, 2011

3 Books, 3 Reasons

Today I grabbed three books from the markdowns in Koorong.
  • Philippians commentary in the WBC, Hawthorne series. $3. (Thanks, Dan)
    • 'Cause it was cheap.
  • Transformational Church, Stetzer and Rainer. $7.
    • 'Cause the chapter on leadership looked interesting.
  • Christ and his People, David Peterson, $5.
    • 'Cause anything by David Peterson is worth a fiver (and then some).
Ah, Koorong. I always leave when I can no-longer cope with the music. (I'm kinda serious. Sometimes I only last a couple of minutes.)

Oh yeah, I also grabbed the new Colin album ('cause it was only a matter of time).

My New Favourite Resource on Leadership

The first chapter of Rod and Karen Morris' Leading Better Bible Studies is an absolute cracker on leadership. Truly. It's my new favourite.

Among other things, they identify the following areas of focus for considering the health of your Bible Study Group Leaders (but I reckon they're pretty transferable to other roles):

  • Character
  • Conviction
  • Content (able to handle God's word)
  • Competence (group skills)
  • Commitment
  • Confidence
  • Dependence (on God in prayer)
Did I mention how good the rest of the chapter is? It's very good.


Just in the course of my work I produce a whole bunch of 'stuff' that I'd like to share with my mates (and anyone else who cares). That's why. 'Cause I'm doing it anyway.

Welcome to my ministry miscellany.